A | |
access_flags [JDumpLow] | |
add [JLib.DynArray] | |
add [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
add [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
add [Ptmap.S] |
add [Ptset.S] | |
am_fold [Javalib] | |
am_fold [JClass] | |
am_iter [Javalib] | |
am_iter [JClass] | |
arraytype2shortstring [JDumpBasics] |
B | |
basic_type [JDumpBasics] |
bootstrap_argument_to_const [JBasicsLow] | |
bootstrap_method_to_int [JBasicsLow] | Return the index of a bootstrap method in the bootstrap method table, adding it if necessary. |
build_lambda_info [JCode] |
C | |
cardinal [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
cardinal [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
cardinal [Ptmap.S] | |
cardinal [Ptset.S] | |
cf_fold [Javalib] | |
cf_fold [JClass] | |
cf_iter [Javalib] | |
cf_iter [JClass] | |
cfs_compare [JBasics] | Compares two |
cfs_equal [JBasics] | Returns |
cfs_hash [JBasics] | Returns the hash value of the given |
cfs_split [JBasics] | Retrieves the |
choose [Ptset.S] | |
choose_and_remove [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] |
choose_and_remove [Ptmap.S] |
choose_and_remove [Ptset.S] |
class_field_signature [Javalib.JPrint] |
class_method_signature [Javalib.JPrint] |
class_name [Javalib.JPrint] |
class_name [JDumpBasics] |
class_path [Javalib] |
class_path [JFile] |
class_to_int [JBasicsLow] | |
clinit_signature [JBasics] |
close_class_path [Javalib] | Closes a class path. |
close_class_path [JFile] | Closes a class path. |
close_in [JLib.IO] | |
close_out [JLib.IO] | |
cm_fold [Javalib] | |
cm_fold [JClass] | |
cm_iter [Javalib] | |
cm_iter [JClass] | The following functions iterate over all methods of a class or interface. |
cms_compare [JBasics] | Compares two |
cms_equal [JBasics] | Returns |
cms_split [JBasics] | Retrieves the |
cn_compare [JBasics] | Compares two classes names. |
cn_equal [JBasics] | Returns |
cn_hash [JBasics] | Returns the hash value of the given |
cn_name [JBasics] | Retrieves the Java fully qualified name of a class. |
cn_package [Javalib.JPrint] | Prints the package of the given |
cn_package [JBasics] | Retrieves the package name from a |
cn_simple_name [Javalib.JPrint] | Prints the name of the given |
cn_simple_name [JBasics] | Retrieves the Java simple name of a class, omitting the package name. |
code2opcodes [JInstruction] | Maps a high level code to a valid arrray of low level bytecode instructions. |
compare [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
compare [Ptmap.S] | |
compare [Ptset.S] | |
constant [Javalib.JPrint] | |
constant_attribute [JDumpBasics] | |
constant_attribute_to_const [JBasicsLow] | |
constant_pool [Javalib.JPrint] | |
constant_to_int [JBasicsLow] | Return the index of a constant, adding it to the constant pool if necessary. |
create [JLib.DynArray] | |
D | |
default_native_throwable [JBasics] | |
defines_field [Javalib] |
defines_field [JClass] | |
defines_method [Javalib] |
defines_method [JClass] | |
diff [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
diff [Ptmap.S] | |
diff [Ptset.S] | |
drop [JLib.List] | |
dump [JDumpLow] | |
dump_attrib [JDumpLow] | |
dump_bootstrap_argument [JDumpBasics] |
dump_bootstrap_method [JDumpBasics] |
dump_code [JDumpLow] | |
dump_constant [JDumpBasics] |
dump_constantpool [JDumpBasics] |
dump_exc [JDumpBasics] |
dump_field [JDumpLow] | |
dump_method [JDumpLow] | |
dump_stackmap [JDumpBasics] |
dump_verification_type [JDumpBasics] | |
E | |
elements [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
elements [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
elements [Ptmap.S] |
elements [Ptset.S] | |
empty [JCode] | Empty list of opcodes |
empty [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
empty [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
empty [Ptmap.S] | |
empty [Ptset.S] | |
equal [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
equal [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
equal [Ptmap.S] | |
equal [Ptset.S] | |
exception_handler [Javalib.JPrint] | |
exists [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
exists [Ptmap.S] | |
exists [Ptset.S] | |
extract_class_name_from_file [Javalib] |
extract_class_name_from_file [JFile] |
F | |
f_fold [Javalib] | |
f_fold [JClass] | |
f_iter [Javalib] | |
f_iter [JClass] | |
field_descriptor [Javalib.JPrint] |
field_signature [Javalib.JPrint] |
field_to_int [JBasicsLow] | |
filter [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
filter [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
filter [Ptmap.S] | |
filter [Ptset.S] | |
filter_map [JLib.List] | |
filter_map [Ptmap.S] | |
filteri [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
filteri [Ptmap.S] | |
find [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
find [Ptmap.S] | |
find_element [Ptmap.S] | |
findi [JLib.Array] | |
findi_element [Ptmap.S] |
flush [JLib.IO] | |
fold [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
fold [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
fold [Ptmap.S] | |
fold [Ptset.S] | |
fold_left [JLib.List] | |
for_all [Ptset.S] | |
fs_compare [JBasics] | Compares two field signatures. |
fs_equal [JBasics] | Returns |
fs_hash [JBasics] | Returns the hash value of the given |
fs_name [JBasics] | Retrieves the field name from a |
fs_type [JBasics] | Retrieves the field type from a |
G | |
get [JLib.Array] | |
get_access [Javalib] | Returns the access type of a class or interface. |
get_access [JClass] | |
get_bootstrap_argument [JBasicsLow] | |
get_bootstrap_argument_ui16 [JBasicsLow] | |
get_class [Javalib] | Parses a single class. |
get_class [JFile] | Parses a single class. |
get_class [JBasicsLow] | |
get_class_field_signature [Javalib] | |
get_class_field_signature [JClass] | |
get_class_low [JFile] | Same as |
get_class_method_signature [Javalib] | |
get_class_method_signature [JClass] | |
get_class_ui16 [JBasicsLow] | |
get_concrete_method [Javalib] |
get_concrete_method [JClass] | |
get_concrete_methods [Javalib] | Returns the map of all the concrete methods defined in the given class or interface. |
get_concrete_methods [JClass] | |
get_constant [JBasicsLow] | |
get_constant_attribute [JBasicsLow] | |
get_constant_ldc_value [JBasicsLow] | |
get_consts [Javalib] | Returns the constant pool of a class or interface. |
get_consts [JClass] | |
get_field [Javalib] |
get_field [JClass] | |
get_field [JBasicsLow] | |
get_field_signature [Javalib] | |
get_field_signature [JClass] | |
get_field_visibility [Javalib] | |
get_field_visibility [JClass] | |
get_fields [Javalib] | Returns the map of all the fields defined in the given class or interface. |
get_fields [JClass] | |
get_hash [GenericMap.S] | |
get_hash [GenericSet.S] | |
get_initializer [Javalib] | Returns the initializer of the given class or interface, if defined. |
get_initializer [JClass] | |
get_inner_classes [Javalib] | Returns the list of inner classes defined in the given class or interface. |
get_inner_classes [JClass] | |
get_interface_method [JBasicsLow] | |
get_local_variable_info [JCode] |
get_method [Javalib] |
get_method [JClass] | |
get_method [JBasicsLow] | |
get_method_handle [JBasicsLow] | |
get_method_handle_ui16 [JBasicsLow] | |
get_method_or_interface_method [JBasicsLow] | |
get_method_signature [Javalib] | |
get_method_signature [JClass] | |
get_method_visibility [Javalib] | |
get_method_visibility [JClass] | |
get_methods [Javalib] | Returns the map of all the methods defined in the given class or interface. |
get_methods [JClass] | |
get_name [Javalib] | Returns the fully qualified name of a |
get_name [JClass] | |
get_object_type [JBasicsLow] | |
get_other_attributes [Javalib] | |
get_other_attributes [JClass] | |
get_other_flags [Javalib] | |
get_other_flags [JClass] | |
get_permissive [JBasics] | |
get_source_line_number [JCode] |
get_source_line_number' [JCode] |
get_sourcefile [Javalib] | Returns the source file associated to the parsed bytecode used to build the given class or interface. |
get_sourcefile [JClass] | |
get_string [JBasicsLow] | |
get_string_ui16 [JBasicsLow] | |
H | |
h2l_acmethod [JHigh2Low] | |
h2l_amethod [JHigh2Low] | |
h2l_cfield [JHigh2Low] | |
h2l_cmethod [JHigh2Low] | |
h2l_ifield [JHigh2Low] | |
high2low [JHigh2Low] | Convert a high level class to a lower level class. |
I | |
if_fold [Javalib] | |
if_fold [JClass] | |
if_iter [Javalib] | |
if_iter [JClass] | |
index_of [JLib.DynArray] | |
init [JLib.List] | |
input_bytes [JLib.IO] | |
input_channel [JLib.IO] | |
input_string [JLib.IO] | |
insert_code [JCode] |
instruction2opcode [JInstruction] | High level to low level bytecode instruction. |
inter [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
inter [Ptmap.S] |
inter [Ptset.S] | |
inter_map2 [Ptmap.S] | |
interface_method_to_int [JBasicsLow] | |
intersect [Ptset.S] | |
is_deprecated [Javalib] | Returns |
is_deprecated [JClass] | |
is_empty [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
is_empty [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
is_empty [Ptmap.S] | |
is_empty [Ptset.S] | |
is_final [Javalib] | Returns |
is_final [JClass] | |
is_final_field [Javalib] | |
is_final_field [JClass] | |
is_final_method [Javalib] | |
is_final_method [JClass] | |
is_static_field [Javalib] | |
is_static_field [JClass] | |
is_static_method [Javalib] | |
is_static_method [JClass] | |
is_synchronized_method [Javalib] | |
is_synchronized_method [JClass] | |
iter [Javalib] |
iter [JFile] |
iter [JLib.List] | |
iter [JLib.DynArray] | |
iter [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
iter [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
iter [Ptmap.S] | |
iter [Ptset.S] | |
iteri [JLib.List] | |
J | |
jar2manifest [JManifest] | Read a manifest from a jar file (which must end with .jar). |
java_basic_type [Javalib.JPrint] |
java_basic_type [JDumpBasics] |
java_lang_object [JBasics] |
jcode [Javalib.JPrint] | |
jopcode [Javalib.JPrint] | |
jstr_pp [JBasics] | Returns a |
jstr_raw [JBasics] | Returns the original |
jvm_array_type [JDumpBasics] |
jvm_basic_type [JDumpBasics] |
K | |
key_elements [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
keys_subset [Ptmap.S] |
L | |
ldc_value_to_int [JBasicsLow] | |
length [JLib.List] | |
length [JLib.Array] | |
length [JLib.String] | |
length [JLib.DynArray] | |
low2high_class [JLow2High] | Convert a low level class to a higher level class. |
M | |
m_fold [Javalib] | |
m_fold [JClass] | |
m_iter [Javalib] | |
m_iter [JClass] | |
make_cfs [JBasics] | Builds a |
make_cms [JBasics] | Builds a |
make_cn [JBasics] | Builds a |
make_directories [Javalib] |
make_directories [JFile] |
make_fs [JBasics] | Builds a |
make_jstr [JBasics] | Builds a |
make_md [JBasics] | Builds a |
make_ms [JBasics] | Builds a |
map [JLib.List] | |
map [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
map [Ptmap.S] | |
map2 [JLib.List] | |
map_class [JClass] | |
map_class_context [JClass] | |
map_class_with_native [JClass] | |
map_class_with_native_context [JClass] | |
map_concrete_method [Javalib] |
map_concrete_method [JClass] | |
map_concrete_method_with_native [Javalib] |
map_concrete_method_with_native [JClass] | |
map_default [JLib.Option] | |
map_interface [JClass] | |
map_interface_context [JClass] | |
map_interface_or_class [Javalib] |
map_interface_or_class [JClass] | |
map_interface_or_class_context [Javalib] |
map_interface_or_class_context [JClass] | |
map_interface_or_class_with_native [Javalib] |
map_interface_or_class_with_native [JClass] | |
map_interface_or_class_with_native_context [Javalib] |
map_interface_or_class_with_native_context [JClass] | |
map_interface_with_native [JClass] | |
map_interface_with_native_context [JClass] | |
mapi [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
mapi [Ptmap.S] | |
max_elt [Ptset.S] | |
may [JLib.Option] | |
md_args [JBasics] | Returns the |
md_rtype [JBasics] | Returns the |
md_split [JBasics] | Splits a |
mem [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
mem [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
mem [Ptmap.S] | |
mem [Ptset.S] | |
merge [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] |
merge [Ptmap.S] |
merge_first [Ptmap.S] |
method_descriptor [Javalib.JPrint] |
method_handle_kind [JDumpBasics] |
method_handle_kind_to_int [JBasicsLow] | |
method_handle_to_const [JBasicsLow] | |
method_signature [Javalib.JPrint] |
method_signature [JDumpBasics] |
method_to_int [JBasicsLow] | |
midlet_main_class [JManifest] | Get a midlet's main class from the MIDlet-1 attribute of its manifest. |
min_elt [Ptset.S] | |
modify [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
modify [Ptmap.S] | |
ms_args [JBasics] | Retrieves method parameters types from a |
ms_compare [JBasics] | Compares two method signatures. |
ms_equal [JBasics] | Returns |
ms_hash [JBasics] | Returns the hash value of the given |
ms_name [JBasics] | Retrieves the method name from a |
ms_rtype [JBasics] | Retrieves method return type from a |
N | |
name_and_type_to_int [JBasicsLow] | |
nsplit [JLib.String] | |
nwrite_string [JLib.IO] | |
O | |
object_type [Javalib.JPrint] |
object_type_to_int [JBasicsLow] | |
object_value_signature [JDumpBasics] |
of_array [JLib.DynArray] | |
of_array [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
of_list [JLib.DynArray] | |
of_list [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
opcode [JDumpLow] | |
opcode2instruction [JInstruction] | Low level to high level bytecode instruction. |
opcodes2code [JInstruction] | Maps an arrray of low level bytecode to a high level code. |
output_channel [JLib.IO] | |
output_string [JLib.IO] | |
P | |
parse_ClassSignature [JParseSignature] |
parse_FieldTypeSignature [JParseSignature] |
parse_MethodTypeSignature [JParseSignature] |
parse_class [JParse] | Parse a Java class file and return the high level representation. |
parse_class_low_level [JParse] | Parse a Java class file and return the low level representation. |
parse_code [JParseCode] | Parse a sequence of instructions of given size (in bytes) and returns an array of instructions. |
parse_descriptor [JParseSignature] | |
parse_field_descriptor [JParseSignature] | |
parse_full_opcode [JParseCode] | |
parse_method_descriptor [JParseSignature] | |
parse_objectType [JParseSignature] | |
partition [Ptmap.S] | |
partition [Ptset.S] | |
pos_in [JLib.IO] | |
pos_out [JLib.IO] | |
print_class [Javalib.JPrint] | |
print_class' [Javalib.JPrint] | |
print_method [Javalib.JPrint] | |
print_method' [Javalib.JPrint] | |
printf [JLib.IO] | |
R | |
read [Javalib] |
read [JFile] |
read_byte [JLib.IO] | |
read_double [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
read_i16 [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
read_i32 [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
read_i64 [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
read_low [JFile] | Same as |
read_real_i32 [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
read_signed_byte [JLib.IO] | |
read_ui16 [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
really_nread [JLib.IO] | |
really_nread_string [JLib.IO] | |
remove [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
remove [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
remove [Ptmap.S] | |
remove [Ptset.S] | |
remove_all [JLib.List] | |
remove_invokedynamic [Javalib] |
remove_invokedynamic [JClass] | |
remove_invokedynamics [Javalib] |
remove_invokedynamics [JClass] | |
remove_invokedynamics_in_method [Javalib] |
remove_invokedynamics_in_method [JClass] | |
replace_code [JCode] |
rettype2shortstring [JDumpBasics] |
return_type [Javalib.JPrint] |
S | |
sections [JManifest] | Read a list of sections. |
sections2manifest [JManifest] | Interpret a list of section as a manifest. |
sep [JFile] |
set_permissive [JBasics] |
signature [Javalib.JPrint] |
signature [JDumpBasics] |
singleton [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
singleton [Ptset.S] | |
split [Ptset.S] | |
split_nth [JLib.List] | |
stack_map [Javalib.JPrint] | |
string_to_int [JBasicsLow] | |
strip [JLib.String] | |
subset [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
subset [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
subset [Ptmap.S] |
subset [Ptset.S] | |
T | |
to_array [JLib.DynArray] | |
to_list [JLib.DynArray] | |
to_set [JBasics.ClassMethodMaptoSet] | |
to_set [GenericMap.MaptoSet] | |
to_string [Ptset.S] |
transform [Javalib] |
transform [JFile] |
transform_low [JFile] | Same as |
type2shortstring [JDumpBasics] | |
U | |
union [GenericSet.GenericSetSig] | |
union [Ptset.S] | |
unparse_ClassSignature [JUnparseSignature] | |
unparse_FieldTypeSignature [JUnparseSignature] | |
unparse_MethodTypeSignature [JUnparseSignature] | |
unparse_attribute_to_strings [JUnparse] | Unparses an attribute to a couple |
unparse_class [Javalib] |
unparse_class [JUnparse] | Unparses a class to a file. |
unparse_class_low_level [JUnparse] | Unparses a class to a file. |
unparse_code [JParseCode] | Unparse a sequence of instructions. |
unparse_constClass [JUnparseSignature] | |
unparse_descriptor [JUnparseSignature] | |
unparse_instruction [JParseCode] |
unparse_method_descriptor [JUnparseSignature] | |
unparse_object_type [JUnparseSignature] | |
unparse_value_type [JUnparseSignature] | |
unsafe_get [JLib.DynArray] | |
V | |
value_elements [GenericMap.GenericMapSig] | |
value_signature [JDumpBasics] |
value_type [Javalib.JPrint] |
value_type_list [Javalib.JPrint] |
W | |
write [JLib.IO] | |
write_bootstrap_argument [JBasicsLow] | |
write_byte [JLib.IO] | |
write_class [Javalib] |
write_class [JFile] |
write_class [JBasicsLow] | |
write_class_low [JFile] | Same as |
write_constant [JBasicsLow] | |
write_constant_attribute [JBasicsLow] | |
write_double [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
write_i16 [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
write_i32 [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
write_i64 [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
write_i8 [JBasicsLow] | |
write_name_and_type [JBasicsLow] | |
write_object_type [JBasicsLow] | |
write_real_i32 [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
write_string [JBasicsLow] | |
write_string_with_length [JBasicsLow] | |
write_ui16 [JLib.IO.BigEndian] | |
write_ui8 [JBasicsLow] | |
write_with_length [JBasicsLow] | |
write_with_size [JBasicsLow] |