Module JDumpBasics

module JDumpBasics: sig .. end

Convert some data from JBasics to strings or print them on the provided output.

val class_name : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.class_name -> string

class_name ~jvm cn returns the fully qualified class name as a string. If jvm is false (default value): with dots between packages and between package name and class name. If jvm is true returns the JVM representation.

val basic_type : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.java_basic_type -> string

basic_type ~jvm t, if jvm is false (default value), returns the Java representation of the type t (e.g. basic_type `Int returns "int"). If jvm is true: returns the JVM representation of type t (e.g. type2shortstring `Int returns "I").

val object_value_signature : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.object_type -> string

object_value_signature ~jvm s, if jvm is false (by default), returns the Java representation of type s. If jvm is true returns the JVM representation of type s.

val value_signature : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.value_type -> string

value_signature ~jvm s, if jvm is false (default value), returns the Java representation of the type t. If jvm is true: returns the JVM representation of type t

val type2shortstring : JBasics.value_type -> string
Deprecated.JDumpBasics.type2shortstring is an alias for JDumpBasics.value_signature ~jvm:true.
val rettype2shortstring : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.value_type option -> string

rettype2shortstring t, if jvm is true (default value), returns the JVM representation of the return type t (e.g. rettype2shortstring None returns "V"). If jvm is false returns the Java representation of type t (e.g. rettype2shortstring None returns "void").

val arraytype2shortstring : JBasics.jvm_array_type -> string

arraytype2shortstring t return the JVM representation of the array type t (e.g. arraytype2shortstring `Object returns "A").

val method_signature : ?jvm:bool -> string -> JBasics.method_descriptor -> string

method_signature mn md, where mn is a method name and md a method descriptor, returns the method signature as in Java ( e.g. "bool equals(java.lang.Object)").

val signature : string -> JBasics.descriptor -> string

signature name des returns a string corresponding to the field or method name with the descriptor des. (See JDumpBasics.method_signature)

val jvm_basic_type : [< `Double | `Float | `Int | `Int2Bool | `Long ] -> char

jvm_basic_type t returns the lowercase character that corresponds to the type t.

val jvm_array_type : JBasics.jvm_array_type -> char

jvm_array_type t returns the lowercase character that corresponds to the type t.

val java_basic_type : JBasics.java_basic_type -> char

java_basic_type t returns the lowercase character that corresponds to the type t.

val method_handle_kind : JBasicsLow.method_handle_kind -> string

method_handle_kind k returns the string that corresponds to the method handle kind k.

val dump_constant : 'a JLib.IO.output -> JBasics.constant -> unit

dump_constant ch cst prints on ch the constant pool constant cst of the.

val dump_bootstrap_argument : 'a JLib.IO.output -> JBasics.bootstrap_argument -> unit

dump_bootstrap_argument b prints on ch the bootstrap argument b.

val dump_bootstrap_method : 'a JLib.IO.output -> JBasics.bootstrap_method -> unit

dump_bootstrap_method m prints on ch the bootstrap method m.

val dump_constantpool : 'a JLib.IO.output -> JBasics.constant array -> unit

dump_constantpool ch pool print on ch the constant pool pool.

val dump_verification_type : JBasics.verification_type -> string
val dump_stackmap : 'a JLib.IO.output -> JBasics.stackmap_frame -> unit

dump_stackmap ch sm prints on ch the stackmap sm.

val dump_exc : 'a JLib.IO.output -> 'b -> JCode.exception_handler -> unit

dump_exc ch _ ex prints on ch the exception handler declaration ex.

val constant_attribute : JClass.constant_attribute -> string