Module JBasics

module JBasics: sig .. end

Basic elements of class files.

Definition of basic types and descriptors.

type class_name 

Type representing a class name. e.g. java.lang.Object

type method_signature 

Type representing a method signature. A method signature contains the method name, the types of parameters and the method return type. Two methods in two different classes can have the same method_signature.

type method_descriptor 

Type representing a method descriptor. A method descriptor contains the types of parameters and the method return type.

type field_signature 

Type representing a field signature. A field signature contains the field name and the field type.

type class_field_signature 

Type representing a signature for a field in a particular class. Each field of each class has a unique class_field_signature.

type class_method_signature 

Type representing a signature for a method in a particular class. Each method of each class has a unique class_method_signature.

type other_num = [ `Double | `Float | `Long ] 

Numerical types that are not smaller than int.

type jvm_basic_type = [ `Double | `Float | `Int2Bool | `Long ] 

JVM basic type (int = short = char = byte = bool).

type jvm_type = [ `Double | `Float | `Int2Bool | `Long | `Object ] 

JVM type (int = short = char = byte = bool, all objects have the same type).

type jvm_array_type = [ `ByteBool | `Char | `Double | `Float | `Int | `Long | `Object | `Short ] 

JVM array element type (byte = bool, all objects have the same type).

type jvm_return_type = [ `Double | `Float | `Int2Bool | `Long | `Object | `Void ] 

JVM return type (byte = bool, all objects have the same type).

type java_basic_type = [ `Bool | `Byte | `Char | `Double | `Float | `Int | `Long | `Short ] 

Java basic type.

type object_type = 
| TClass of class_name
| TArray of value_type

Java object type

type value_type = 
| TBasic of java_basic_type
| TObject of object_type

Java type

type jstr 

Abstract datatype for Java strings

type version = {
   major : int;
   minor : int;

Version number of the class file. Extract of the specification: An implementation of Java 1.k sould support class file formats of versions in the range of 45.0 through 44+k.0 inclusive. E.g. Java 1.6 implementations support class file formats of versions up to 50.0.

Basic types manipulation.

Creating and manipulating JBasics.class_name values.

val java_lang_object : class_name

java.lang.Object class name.

val default_native_throwable : class_name list
val make_cn : string -> class_name

Builds a class_name from a string representing the Java fully qualified name of the class. e.g. "java.lang.Object".

val cn_hash : class_name -> int

Returns the hash value of the given class_name.

val cn_name : class_name -> string

Retrieves the Java fully qualified name of a class. e.g. "java.lang.Object".

val cn_simple_name : class_name -> string

Retrieves the Java simple name of a class, omitting the package name. e.g. "Object" instead of "java.lang.Object".

val cn_package : class_name -> string list

Retrieves the package name from a class_name.

val cn_compare : class_name -> class_name -> int

Compares two classes names.

val cn_equal : class_name -> class_name -> bool

Returns true if two classes names are equal, false otherwise.

Creating and manipulating JBasics.method_signature values.

val clinit_signature : method_signature

<clinit> method signature.

val make_ms : string ->
value_type list ->
value_type option -> method_signature

Builds a method_signature.

val ms_hash : method_signature -> int

Returns the hash value of the given method_signature.

val ms_name : method_signature -> string

Retrieves the method name from a method_signature.

val ms_args : method_signature -> value_type list

Retrieves method parameters types from a method_signature.

val ms_rtype : method_signature -> value_type option

Retrieves method return type from a method_signature.

val ms_compare : method_signature -> method_signature -> int

Compares two method signatures.

val ms_equal : method_signature -> method_signature -> bool

Returns true if two method signatures are equal, false otherwise.

Creating and manipulating JBasics.method_descriptor values.

val make_md : value_type list * value_type option ->

Builds a method_descriptor.

val md_split : method_descriptor ->
value_type list * value_type option

Splits a method_descriptor into arguments list and return type.

val md_args : method_descriptor -> value_type list

Returns the method_descriptor arguments list.

val md_rtype : method_descriptor -> value_type option

Returns the method_descriptor return type.

Creating and manipulating JBasics.field_signature values.

val make_fs : string -> value_type -> field_signature

Builds a field_signature.

val fs_hash : field_signature -> int

Returns the hash value of the given field_signature.

val fs_name : field_signature -> string

Retrieves the field name from a field_signature.

val fs_type : field_signature -> value_type

Retrieves the field type from a field_signature.

val fs_compare : field_signature -> field_signature -> int

Compares two field signatures.

val fs_equal : field_signature -> field_signature -> bool

Returns true if two field signatures are equal, false otherwise.

Creating and manipulating JBasics.class_field_signature values.

val make_cfs : class_name ->
field_signature -> class_field_signature

Builds a class_field_signature.

val cfs_split : class_field_signature -> class_name * field_signature

Retrieves the class_name and field_signature from a class_field_signature.

val cfs_compare : class_field_signature -> class_field_signature -> int

Compares two class_field_signature.

val cfs_equal : class_field_signature -> class_field_signature -> bool

Returns true if two class_field_signature are equal, false otherwise.

val cfs_hash : class_field_signature -> int

Returns the hash value of the given class_field_signature.

Creating and manipulating JBasics.class_method_signature values.

val make_cms : class_name ->
method_signature -> class_method_signature

Builds a class_method_signature.

val cms_split : class_method_signature ->
class_name * method_signature

Retrieves the class_name and method_signature from a class_method_signature.

val cms_compare : class_method_signature -> class_method_signature -> int

Compares two class_method_signature.

val cms_equal : class_method_signature -> class_method_signature -> bool

Returns true if two class_method_signature are equal, false otherwise.

val make_jstr : string -> jstr

Builds a jstr.

val jstr_pp : jstr -> string

Returns a string where all characters outside the ASCII printable range (32..126) are escaped.

val jstr_raw : jstr -> string

Returns the original string.

Bootstrap method and method handle types.

Features introduced in Java 8 to implement lambdas.

type jmethod_or_interface = [ `InterfaceMethod of class_name * method_signature
| `Method of class_name * method_signature ]
type method_handle = [ `GetField of class_name * field_signature
| `GetStatic of class_name * field_signature
| `InvokeInterface of class_name * method_signature
| `InvokeSpecial of jmethod_or_interface
| `InvokeStatic of jmethod_or_interface
| `InvokeVirtual of object_type * method_signature
| `NewInvokeSpecial of class_name * method_signature
| `PutField of class_name * field_signature
| `PutStatic of class_name * field_signature ]

Method handle. cf JVM Spec se8 §4.4.8.

type bootstrap_argument = [ `Class of object_type
| `Double of float
| `Float of float
| `Int of int32
| `Long of int64
| `MethodHandle of method_handle
| `MethodType of method_descriptor
| `String of jstr ]

Bootstrap argument. cf JVM Spec se8 §4.7.23.

type bootstrap_method = {
   bm_ref : method_handle;
   bm_args : bootstrap_argument list;

Bootstrap method called by the invokedynamic instruction. cf JVM Spec se8 §4.7.23.

Constant pool.

You should not need this for normal usage, as the parsing/unparsing functions take care of the constant pool. This is typically useful for user-defined attributes that refer to the constant pool.

type bootstrap_method_index = int 
type descriptor = 
| SValue of value_type
| SMethod of method_descriptor

Signatures parsed from CONSTANT_NameAndType_info structures.

type constant = 
| ConstString of jstr
| ConstInt of int32
| ConstFloat of float
| ConstLong of int64
| ConstDouble of float
| ConstClass of object_type
| ConstField of (class_name * field_signature)
| ConstMethod of (object_type * method_signature)
| ConstInterfaceMethod of (class_name * method_signature)
| ConstMethodType of method_descriptor
| ConstMethodHandle of method_handle
| ConstInvokeDynamic of bootstrap_method_index * method_signature
| ConstNameAndType of string * descriptor
| ConstStringUTF8 of string
| ConstModule of string
| ConstPackage of string
| ConstUnusable

Constant pool values.


type verification_type = 
| VTop
| VInteger
| VFloat
| VDouble
| VLong
| VNull
| VUninitializedThis
| VObject of object_type
| VUninitialized of int (*

creation point


Verification type.

type stackmap_frame = 
| SameFrame of int
| SameLocals of int * verification_type
| SameLocalsExtended of int * int * verification_type
| ChopFrame of int * int
| SameFrameExtended of int * int
| AppendFrame of int * int * verification_type list
| FullFrame of int * int * verification_type list * verification_type list

Stackmap type.


The library may throw the following exceptions, in addition to Invalid_argument. Any other exception (in particular, an Assert_failure) should be interpreted as a bug in javalib.

exception No_class_found of string

Indicates that a class name could not be found in a given classpath.

exception Class_structure_error of string

Indicates the argument of a parsing/unparsing function does not satisfy a structural constraint of class files.


type element_value = 
| EVCstByte of int
| EVCstChar of int
| EVCstInt of int32
| EVCstShort of int
| EVCstBoolean of int
| EVCstDouble of float
| EVCstFloat of float
| EVCstLong of int64
| EVCstString of string
| EVEnum of (class_name * string)
| EVClass of value_type option
| EVAnnotation of annotation
| EVArray of element_value list

element_value represents a constant value, either a number, a string, a class, an enum, an array of element_values or another annotation.

type annotation = {
   kind : class_name;
   element_value_pairs : (string * element_value) list;

An annotation contains the name (kind) of the annotation an a list of element-value pairs (the name of the element and its value). The names given here should corresponds to the elements declared during the definition of the annotation, but this is not checked (as it would need to load additional class files).


module ClassMap: GenericMap.GenericMapSig  with type key = class_name

This module allows to build maps of elements indexed by class_name values.

module MethodMap: GenericMap.GenericMapSig  with type key = method_signature

This module allows to build maps of elements indexed by method_signature values.

module FieldMap: GenericMap.GenericMapSig  with type key = field_signature

This module allows to build maps of elements indexed by field_signature values.

module ClassFieldMap: GenericMap.GenericMapSig  with type key = class_field_signature

This module allows to build maps of elements indexed by class_field_signature values.

module ClassMethodMap: GenericMap.GenericMapSig  with type key = class_method_signature

This module allows to build maps of elements indexed by class_method_signature values.

module ClassSet: GenericSet.GenericSetSig  with type elt = class_name

This module allows to build sets of class_name values.

module MethodSet: GenericSet.GenericSetSig  with type elt = method_signature

This module allows to build sets of method_signature values.

module FieldSet: GenericSet.GenericSetSig  with type elt = field_signature

This module allows to build sets of field_signature values.

module ClassFieldSet: GenericSet.GenericSetSig  with type elt = class_field_signature

This module allows to build sets of class_field_signature values.

module ClassMethodSet: GenericSet.GenericSetSig  with type elt = class_method_signature

This module allows to build sets of class_method_signature values.

module ClassMethodMaptoSet: sig .. end

Tuning JavaLib.

val set_permissive : bool -> unit

set_permissive true disables some checking in JavaLib. It can allow to parse some files that do not strictly comply with the official specification.

val get_permissive : unit -> bool