Module JFile

module JFile: sig .. end

Accessing classes in files, directories and jar (or zip) files.

Loading a single class.

type class_path 

The type of "compiled" class paths (jar (or zip) files are opened for efficiency).

val sep : char

sep is the class path separator. It contains a colon (:) under Unix and Cygwin and a semi-colon (;) under Windows (or MinGW).

val class_path : string -> class_path

class_path cp opens a class path from the list cp of directories and jar (or zip) files separated by JFile.sep. jar (or zip) files in the given directories are also considered, but they are not looked for recursively. If cp is empty(""), then the current directory is used. Note: the order matters: the search stops when a class file is found. Directories and jar (or zip) files are read in the given order. When several directories are given, the order of the jar (or zip) file inside those directory are unspecified, but the jar (or zip) file of the first directory will be read before the others.

Note : the following works :

try class_path (Sys.getenv "CLASSPATH")
with Not_found-> class_path ""
val close_class_path : class_path -> unit

Closes a class path.

val get_class : class_path ->
JBasics.class_name -> JCode.jcode JClass.interface_or_class

Parses a single class. It takes as argument the class name built with JBasics.make_cn. This function does not check that the name of the parsed class is the same as the argument xclass name.

val get_class_low : class_path -> JBasics.class_name -> JClassLow.jclass

Same as JFile.get_class with low level class files.

val write_class : string -> JCode.jcode JClass.interface_or_class -> unit

write_class outputdir c writes the class c in the subdirectory of outputdir that correspond to the package name of c.

val write_class_low : string -> JClassLow.jclass -> unit

Same as JFile.write_class with low level class files.

val extract_class_name_from_file : string -> JBasics.class_name * string

extract_class_name_from_file f recovers a class name and a class path from the file f.

Reading/transforming a set of classes.

val iter : ?debug:bool ->
(JCode.jcode JClass.interface_or_class -> unit) -> string -> unit

iter ~debug:false f filename applies the function successively the function f on each classes specified by filename. filename is either a valid class file, a valid jar (or zip) file, or a valid directory with jar (or zip) files inside. The dirname of filename is used as classpath. If debug is true then the number of classes parsed when given a .jar file or a directory is printed on the standard error output.

type directories 

Abstract type representing a list of directories.

val make_directories : string -> directories

make_directories directories returns an abstract directories type. The string directories must be a list of files separated by JFile.sep. Only directories are filtered.

The following functions search for class files in the following order :

Dots in class names are interpreted as / (but not for jar (or zip) files).

val read : directories ->
('a -> JCode.jcode JClass.interface_or_class -> 'a) ->
'a -> string list -> 'a

read directories f acc names iterates f over all classes specified by names. acc is the initial accumulator value.

val transform : directories ->
string ->
(JCode.jcode JClass.interface_or_class ->
JCode.jcode JClass.interface_or_class) ->
string list -> unit

transform directories outputdir f names applies f to all classes specified by names, writing the resulting classes in outputdir. Jar (Or Zip) files are mapped to jar (or zip) files, and the non-class files are kept unchanged in the resulting archive.

val read_low : directories ->
('a -> JClassLow.jclass -> 'a) -> 'a -> string list -> 'a

Same as with low level class files.

val transform_low : directories ->
string -> (JClassLow.jclass -> JClassLow.jclass) -> string list -> unit

Same as JFile.transform with low level class files.