Module Javalib.JPrint

module JPrint: sig .. end

Module gathering useful printing functions for basic types.

Printing basic signatures and descriptors.

Each of these functions gives a string representation of a type which has the corresponding name in JBasics. When set to true, the optional parameter ~jvm allows to get a string representation following the JVM specification. Otherwise, a Java like representation (more readable) is given.

val class_name : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.class_name -> string

class_name ~jvm class_name gives a string representation of a class_name.

val cn_package : JBasics.class_name -> string

Prints the package of the given class_name.

val cn_simple_name : JBasics.class_name -> string

Prints the name of the given class_name, omitting the package name.

val method_signature : ?jvm:bool ->
?callee:JBasics.object_type ->
?param_names:string list -> JBasics.method_signature -> string

method_signature ~jvm ~param_names method_signature gives a string representation of a method_signature. The optional parameter ~param_name can contain a list of the same length as the parameters. In this case, when ~jvm is set to false (or by default), the names of the parameters appear in the string representation of the method signature (like in Java). The optional parameter ~callee can contain an object_type which will be displayed in the signature as in the following example.

void Object.toString()
val class_method_signature : ?jvm:bool ->
?param_names:string list -> JBasics.class_method_signature -> string

class_method_signature ~jvm ~param_names cms gives a string representation of a class_method_signature using Javalib.JPrint.method_signature with the class name of cms as callee.

val field_signature : ?jvm:bool ->
?declared_in:JBasics.class_name -> JBasics.field_signature -> string

field_signature ~jvm ~declared_in field_signature gives a string representation of a field_signature where a class name may be given.

val class_field_signature : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.class_field_signature -> string

class_field_signature ~jvm cfs gives a string representation of a class field signature using Javalib.JPrint.field_signature.

val signature : ?jvm:bool -> string -> JBasics.descriptor -> string

signature ~jvm name descriptor gives a string representation of a descriptor which can either contain a field_descriptor or a method_descriptor, associated to the name name.

val java_basic_type : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.java_basic_type -> string

java_basic_type ~jvm java_basic_type gives a string representation of a java_basic_type.

val object_type : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.object_type -> string

object_type ~jvm object_type gives a string representation of an object_type.

val value_type : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.value_type -> string

value_type ~jvm value_type gives a string representation of a value_type.

val return_type : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.value_type option -> string

return_type ~jvm rt gives a string representation of the return type rt. The difference with value_type is that the added value None allows to represent the void value.

val value_type_list : ?jvm:bool -> ?names:string list -> JBasics.value_type list -> string

value_type_list ~names l gives a string representation of the value_type list l with possibly associated names.

val field_descriptor : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.value_type -> string

field_descriptor ~jvm field_descriptor gives a string representation of a field_descriptor.

val method_descriptor : ?jvm:bool -> JBasics.value_type list -> JBasics.value_type option -> string

method_descriptor ~jvm method_descriptor gives a string representation of a method descriptor, composed of the parameters types and the return type of a method.

Printing stackmaps, constant pool values and exception handlers.

val stack_map : JBasics.stackmap_frame -> string
val constant : JBasics.constant -> string
val constant_pool : JBasics.constant array -> string
val exception_handler : JCode.exception_handler -> string

Printing JVM opcodes.

val jopcode : ?jvm:bool -> JCode.jopcode -> string
val jcode : ?jvm:bool -> JCode.jcode -> string list

Outputting methods and classes.

val print_method : ?jvm:bool ->
'a Javalib.jmethod -> ('a -> string list) -> Stdlib.out_channel -> unit
val print_method' : ?jvm:bool ->
'a Javalib.jmethod ->
('a -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit
val print_class : ?jvm:bool ->
'a Javalib.interface_or_class ->
('a -> string list) -> Stdlib.out_channel -> unit
val print_class' : ?jvm:bool ->
'a Javalib.interface_or_class ->
('a -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit